Inauguration of Web Portal of Employment Department

Hon’ble Minister of State, Labour and Employment of Haryana, Shri Anoop Dhanak launched Haryana Employment Exchanges Web Portal on 07/01/2020. The software solution developed by NIC Haryana enables,
- Jobseekers to get registered with the employment exchange of his area of residence, which enables the job seeker to file online request for renewal, transfer, qualification addition, experience addition, updation of correspondence address, participation in job fairs etc. This portal also enables job seekers to get short listed against the vacancies posted by the employers with the district exchanges according to their seniority.
- Employers to get registered with district exchange for submission of current job openings and submission of ER-I form and participation in job fairs etc.
- Employment exchanges verify and approve job seekers, employers, get job vacancies from employers, select job seekers against these vacancies, conduct pre-submission interview of short listed candidates and submit list of willing candidates to the employers. Employment exchange also organizes job fairs and helps in finalizing the selection of candidates at job fairs instantaneously.
- Directorate to maintain masters, create and maintain users, maintain news, update job fair details, view state wide reports of job seekers, employers etc. It also keeps record of the employers who fail to submit mandatory ER-I forms at state level.
- Reports of all kinds and nature are available at the portal for all roles and level. Advanced search facilities are available at Director and Exchange level. The application is a Maven based SPA (Single Page Application) and is developed in Open Source using NPM (Node Package Manager), Gulp, Bower, HTML5 Boilerplate, Angular, i18n Support(bi-lingual support), Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA with Hibernate, Hikari CP for Connection Pooling, Liquibase for Database updates and PostgreSQL as Database with Oauth2 based authentication and authorization.
The Application is developed by the team of Sh. Bidyut Ranjan Gohain, Senior Technical Director, Sh. Prakash Kala, Scientist-B, Sh. Kuldeep, STA-B under the guidance of Sh. Deepak Bansal, State Informatics Officer, Haryana.